$METAO Tokenomics
About $METAO Token
Last updated
About $METAO Token
Last updated
Token Name
Token Symbol
Total Tax
0% Tax (BUY/SELL)
Total Supply
1,000,000,000 METAO
This Tokenomics overview is the result of more than a year of work on the best token economy design. To create a thorough economic design, Metaoracle collaborated with a number of outside tokenomics experts and auditors in addition to full-time mathematicians, statisticians, and other specialists. A suitable number of tokens were allocated to investors in order to initially fund the project while making sure that the supply-to-demand ratio stays as low as feasible. To preserve the value of the METAO token, vesting schedules are in place, and token distribution is biassed in favour of the ecosystem and the participants. Both ends of the ecosystem can benefit from the token's use; consumers can use it to pay for data while node runners and validators stake to get incentives. The main architecture will guarantee that whale holdings are restricted and that the community will retain the bulk of the shares.
A fair proportion was allocated to investors in order to initially fund the project while making sure that the supply-to-demand ratio stays as low as feasible. To preserve the value of the METAO token, vesting schedules are in place, and token distribution is biassed in favour of the ecosystem and the participants. Both ends of the ecosystem can benefit from the token's use; consumers can use it to pay for data while node runners and validators stake to get incentives. The main plan will guarantee that the community will retain the majority of the shares and that whale holdings will be restricted.
The METAO token allows holders to:
Stake and become Node runners and Validators.
A consequence of this is to be eligible for rewards paid out by Metaoracle and Consumers.
Consumers can pay for data/computation.
Token holders can vote on issues such as fees (i.e. Governance).
Accrue value as Metaoracle grows.
The Metaoracle's self-sustaining functioning and incentive system are fundamentally based on the token. Early adopters typically take on greater risk in order to join, and a native token enables properly rewarding these users. We will need to take into account three key elements in order to achieve this: the token policy, which deals with how tokens will be managed and governed; financial incentives; and, lastly, the architecture, which deals with the guidelines for token distribution and the ownership rights that token holders will be granted.